
6 items found

Culture Mile sport

Culture Mile keeps fit this summer!

Join in with a range of sporting activities for all during Summer of Sport 2024

CityGiftCard LinkedInAsset

City BIDs re-launch industry leading gift card scheme with ‘new look’ brand

The rebranded scheme aims to boost corporate and consumer uptake, locking spend into London’s Square Mile. 

CultureMileXmas BG

A look back on 2023 at the Culture Mile BID

The Culture Mile looks back on its first year as a business improvement district.

LFA FSQ MickeyLee

New design competition launched by LFA and the City's business improvement districts

LFA and the City BIDs launch an open call for submissions to celebrate the Festival's 20th anniversary.

BarbicanCM MickeyLee

A new BID for the Culture Mile in the City of London

Multi-million-pound investment plans secured with BID ballot success